Simon, 18, was drunk when he stole his mum’s car and crashed it.
He was asked to leave the family home and stayed on friends’ sofas and floors for months, before going to the council and saying he was homeless. Simon moved in to Sacro’s Young Person’s Supported Accommodation where he had a ‘key worker’ to meet him regularly and offer him support in areas of his life including his alcohol misuse, family issues and his education.
At first Simon really didn’t think he needed support to live by himself but later he said he was ‘really chuffed’ that his Sacro key worker helped him
At first Simon really didn’t think he needed support to live by himself but later he said he was ‘really chuffed’ that his Sacro key worker helped him with things. They helped Simon to sort out benefits by showing him how to contact the right person; to look for work online and in the Job Centre. They encouraged him to think to the future by applying for college courses that reflected his interests.
Sacro staff also helped him gain access to Social Work reports regarding his family history. As he was adopted he felt he couldn’t have done this on his own. Since living in Sacro’s Young Person’s Supported Accommodation, Simon says he has kept out of trouble because he doesn’t want to bring trouble to the building and risk losing his house. His binge drinking has reduced significantly, and he has not received any criminal charges during his stay.