Kamsi contacted Sacro’s Aditi service for support and disclosed that her relationship was abusive. At this point she was still living with her abusive partner and consequently we immediately allocated an Aditi support worker.
We’ve brought together some stories from people who have used our services over the years. In all instances, names have been changed to protect the individual's identity and photography used is for illustrative purposes only.
Kamsi contacted Sacro’s Aditi service for support and disclosed that her relationship was abusive. At this point she was still living with her abusive partner and consequently we immediately allocated an Aditi support worker.
Four teenage boys were co-accused and referred to Sacro Fife Youth Justice Service by the Young Offenders Management Group for the offence of Vandalism.
Archie is the landlord of a privately rented tenement flat. He now lives and works in London and rents out his flat to a young professional couple – Jane and Michael.
Craig is a heterosexual male in his early 40s. He lives in Glasgow and is currently unemployed due to mental health issues and being in recovery from alcoholism.
Anisa self-referred to Aura when she was in a very abusive and controlling relationship with her husband.
Muriel is a 48-year-old woman. She has been diagnosed with a Moderate Learning Disability and has been known to display behaviours that at times may be challenging.
Keith (14) was referred to Sacro’s Youth Justice Service from the Children’s Reporter as a diversion from the Children’s Hearing System.
Mark is a male youth who was referred by a football club following an incident at a football match where he was alleged to have shouted racial abuse at a player.
Max is in his thirties and was referred to Sacro’s Garden Project, unemployed, and having previously served a prison sentence.