“Granny Elf” Helps Spread Christmas Cheer

Published on
December 20, 2022
December 20, 2022
Written by
Alan Mairs
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Blog Archive

For those supported by Sacro’s Aura service, the spiralling cost of living is piling more hardship on people already having to endure domestic conflict and abuse. Workers at Aura have noticed a marked increase in referrals to food banks and money advice services among the people they support.

To bring some cheer this Christmas, the Aura team reached out to family and friends, asking for donations via an Amazon Wish List; created to provide gifts to the children and young people of Aura service users.

Aura’s service manager, Yvonne Wilson takes up the story:

“Nothing prepared the team for what was going to happen. No sooner had we started our list, than we were inundated with parcels from so many kind and generous people, including organisations who were very keen to help a much-deserved cause.

“The level of gifts being donated were becoming more than we could easily deal with so, all the elves at Aura had to call on Granny Elf who kindly made herself available at home for delivery of gifts. Sarah Rintoul is the granny of one of our workers and she has done a marvellous job of taking in the dozens of parcels arriving almost daily. She even took care to salt the path to her home to prevent the delivery drivers slipping on the ice.

No sooner had we started our list, than we were inundated with parcels.

“We can’t thank Granny Elf enough. Without her help, Aura would not have been able to coordinate such a massive Christmas mission.

“A massive thanks too, to all our workers and the individuals and organisations that donated. We will thank them all through social media in the next few days for helping to make the Christmas for the families that we support a bit happier”.

Aura would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

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